Photography For Women »

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Just Boobs Project

A project that celebrates breasts of all shapes and sizes

Boobs are everywhere. People of all ages and gender love boobs. Society tells us boobs should look a certain way and media has created a titillating frenzy over the breast. Unfortunately media shows us time and again that boobs should be one basic shape and size that equates to “perfection”. This photography project will hopefully stand up to society and media and proudly declare, “Boobs are unique and they are all perfect!” I say diversity among women and their breasts is something to be celebrated. I want to show women, girls, boys and men what boobs look like when we take off the “sexy” bras. These are everyday women with normal boobs. It is my intention that this project will be a part of resetting societal norms to include all shapes and sizes of boobs and we get the one perfect kind of breast out of our collective minds.

check out the book

just boobs book cover

One hundred topless women and their stories about their breasts. This is a look at how we view breasts and the good and bad times that surround them. Just Boobs comes in softcover, hardcover and ebook format. It is 88 pages long and includes one hundred real, un-photoshoped images of real, everyday boobs from women like you and me. It also includes very personal stores and thoughts about their boobs. It makes a very good conversation piece for the coffee table! It’s also great as a meaningful gift.


Just – only or merely…

Breasts have always been glorified, vilified and over specified for thousands of years. What’s the big deal? They’re just boobs!

Just – actual, real, genuine, in keeping with truth or fact…

Breasts, now more than ever before, are pushed, boosted, padded, manipulated and downright fake. What kind of message are we sending to future generations of women and men?

Just – righteous, proper, right…

Breasts are not “dirty” or immoral. They have a wonderful function and are perfect in every way. Every breast is different and every breast is beautiful because of those differences.

Wouldn’t it be great if

there was a book of photographs that celebrated all the wonderful shapes, sizes and colors of breasts. A book that generations of girls could look at and realize that there is no “perfect” breast, that one size does not fit all. A book that generations of boys could look at so they know what real boobs look like first, before their inevitable introduction to porn. So that the men and women of the future love and respect the breasts they have and the women they are with. This is the objective of the Just Boobs Project. And now is the time to show us your boobs for a just cause because they’re “just” boobs!

Project history

On the bank of a small pond, in a patch of sunlight, I set up my large light tent and began what became the “Just Boobs Project”. It was 2:05pm on August 12th 2010. We were attending a very small music festival in Michigan and I thought it would be a great place to start the shooting. It was a very slow start, but once the heat of the day built up more people began coming to the pond to cool down. Slowly, almost cautiously, one woman came up, inquired and posed. Then another and another. I assume they told their friends because the next day women where looking for us! “Hey, I want to take my shirt off for your project!” Wow! What an exciting rush! By the time we left the festival we had nineteen women photographed. Unfortunately it took the next two years to complete. I shot everyone that I could. Between work, kids, weather, light, and “You want to do the project? Great! You live where? Australia!! I can’t go to Australia, sorry.”, it seemed to be an uphill battle. Finally on September 28th 2012 I shot the 100th pair of breasts and I was done! Or so I thought. It turns out that, while taking pictures comes naturally and rather easy for me, writing does not. But, after some painful revisions, and pulling out a few handfuls of hair, I finished the book and self published on Blurb.

The conversation

So, if you haven’t figured it out, this project has been completed. I am not currently shooting anymore women for this project. But, the entire time I was shooting for this I was thinking about how great it would be to scale this up to 1000, or even 10,000 women world wide!! So, that is what I will be doing in the future. Until then, I would also like to start a conversation. I would like women to post their own breast pictures and/or stories about their boobs, body issues or any issue relating to breasts that they feel passionate about in the Just Boobs blog. This is a place of openness and freedom, without stigma where we can all help one another overcome our body issues. Please join the conversation!